
频道:电子元器件 日期: 浏览:416


本文内容来自于互联网,分享 变频器(变频器的作用)




PWM是英文Pulse Width Modulation(脉冲宽度调制)缩写,按一定规律改变脉冲列的脉冲宽度,以调节输出量和波形的一种调值方式。

PAM是英文Pulse Amplitude Modulation (脉冲幅度调制) 缩写,是按一定规律改变脉冲列的脉冲幅度,以调节输出量值和波形的一种调制方式。
















通常情况下时不可以的。在60Hz以上(也有50Hz以上的模式)电压不变,大体为恒功率特性,在 高速下要求相同转矩时,必须注意电机与变频器容量的选择。


给所使用的电机装置设速度检出器(PG),将实际转速反馈给控制装置进行控制的,称为“闭环 ”,不用PG运转的就叫作“开环”。通用变频器多为开环方式,也有的机种利用选件可进行PG反馈.















(1) 检知异常状态后自动地进行修正动作,如过电流失速防止,再生过电压失速防止。

(2) 检知异常后封锁电力半导体器件PWM控制信号,使电机自动停车。如过电流切断、再生过电压切断、半导体冷却风扇过热和瞬时停电保护等。







变频分辨率通常取值为0.015~0.5Hz.例如,分辨率为0.5Hz,那么23Hz的上面可变为23.5、24.0 Hz,因此电机的动作也是有级的跟随。这样对于像连续卷取控制的用途就造成问题。在这种情况下,如果分辨率为0.015Hz左右,对于4级电机1个级差为1r/min 以下,也可充分适应。另外,有的机种给定分辨率与输出分辨率不相同。





24、电机超过60Hz运转时应注意什么问题? 超过60Hz运转时应注意以下事项


(2) 电机进入恒功率输出范围,其输出转矩要能够维持工作(风机、泵等轴输出功率于速度的立方成比例增加,所以转速少许升高时也要注意)。

(3) 产生轴承的寿命问题,要充分加以考虑。

(4) 对于中容量以上的电机特别是2极电机,在60Hz以上运转时要与厂家仔细商讨。


根据减速机的结构和润滑方式不同,需要注意若干问题。在齿轮的结构上通常可考虑70~80Hz为最大极限,采用油润滑时,在低速下连续运转关系到齿轮的损坏等。 26、变频器能用来驱动单相电机吗?可以使用单相电源吗?














对于小容量也有无冷却风扇的机种。有风扇的机种,风的方向是从下向上,所以装设变频器的地方,上、下部不要放置妨碍吸、排气的机械器材。还有,变频器上方不要放置怕热的零件等。风扇发生故障时,由电扇停止检测或冷却风扇上的过热检测进行保护 33、滤波电容器为消耗品,那么怎样判断它的寿命?






(3) 采用热导管。



设基准速度为50Hz,50Hz以上为恒功率输出特性。像输送带这样的恒转矩特性负载增速时,容量 需要增大为80/50≈1.6倍。电机容量也像变频器一样增大

1, what is transducer? Transducer is the use of power semiconductor devices will be the role of off-frequency power conversion for another frequency energy control devices.

2, PWM and Pam different points? English Pulse Width Modulation PWM (pulse width modulation) used by some of the pulse width is changed pulse to regulate the export volume and a tone waveform value. English Pulse Amplitude Modulation Pam (pulse rate modulation) acronym is based on a law change in the pulse rate pulse to regulate the export of money and a waveform modulation.

3, voltage-and current-what different? Transducer main circuit could be roughly divided into two categories : voltage-voltage sources will be used to exchange transducer DC, the DC circuit is the filter capacitance; Current model is the DC current source of the transducer used for the exchange, the DC circuit filter stone inductance.

4, why transducer voltage and current proportional to the change? Asynchronous motor is the torque rotors of electrical and the magnetic flux flowing currents arising from the interaction between the rated frequency, but only if the voltage will lower frequency, then the magnetic flux on a large magnetic circuit saturation, will be seriously burned electrical. Thus, the frequency and voltage proportional to change, and change frequency transducer output voltage control, so that the magnetic flux maintain a certain electric motors, magnetic saturation and avoid weak magnetic phenomena. This means more control for the air-compressors, the largest energy-based transducer.

5, the use of the frequency power-driven electric motors, voltage drop, current increase; The transducer-driven, if the frequency has decreased, voltage drop, then the current is increased? Declining frequency (low-speed), if the same power output, the current increase in torque certain conditions, currents virtually unchanged.

6, a transducer operation, the start-up electrical currents, activation torque? Using transducer operation, with the acceleration of the electrical voltage and higher frequency, start-up current is limited to 150% rated current of the following (based on the different types of aircraft for 125%~200%). Using frequency power directly start, the start-up current for 6~7 times, and therefore will have a mechanical, electrical shocks. Transducer transmission can be used to smooth start (start time change long). Start-up current for the rated current 1.2~1.5 times for the start torque 70%~120% rated torque; With enhanced functions for the automatic torque transducer, up to 100% more torque, can bring the whole load up.

7, V/f model mean? Frequency, voltage drop V is proportional decline in answering this question has 4 statement. V f ratio relations with the electrical characteristics and is considered a pre-determined, usually in controller memory devices (ROM), a number of characteristics can be used for switching or an offer choice

8, V and f proportional to change, the torque changes in the electrical? Frequency fully proportional reduction in voltage, then the exchange impedance smaller and DC resistance unchanged, would have resulted in low-speed, and torque is reduced tendency. Therefore, when given in low frequency V/f, for export to some voltage, in order to obtain a start-up torque, such as enhanced compensation package. Can use various methods to achieve, the automatic methods, models or choose V/f adjustment potentiometer method

9, the specification asks gear shift in the scope 60~6Hz, 10:1, then there is no output in the following 6Hz? 6Hz still in the following output, but according to the size of the electrical Wensheng and start-up torque conditions, the minimum frequency for 6Hz about this exportable rated torque electric motors and the heat will not cause serious problems. Transducer actual output frequency (frequency start) According to 0.5~3Hz aircraft.

10, the portfolio is in the general electrical 60Hz above also requires a certain torque, can? Under normal circumstances, no. In 60Hz above (a 50Hz above model) voltage unchanged, largely to hang power characteristics in the same high-speed, torque requirements, it should be noted that the electrical and transducer capacity choices.

11, called the Central mean? Electrical devices used to speed up departure clearance vehicles (PG), the actual rotational speed control devices to control the feedback, known as "loop" Needless PG functioning on called "open link". Central to the more generic transducer, and some types of aircraft can use the pieces for PG feedback.

12, the actual rotational speed for a given rate of error, how do? Central opened, transducer output even given frequency electrical operation in a load, the electrical rated to guide the rotational speed in the context of (1%~5%) change. The relatively high precision for governor, even load changes also required to set the pace in the near occasion of the operation, could function with PG feedback transducer (choose pieces).

13, with a PG if the electrical, after feedback to improve the accuracy rate? With PG feedback functions transducer, accuracy is improved. However, the speed depends on the accuracy of Mr PG own accuracy and transducer output frequency resolution.

14, stall prevent functional mean? If given a short time to accelerate, transducer frequency changes far exceeds the output rotational speed (Mar angular frequency) changes transducer will be a flow of electric current and Tiaozha, stop functioning, which is called stall. To prevent stall for electrical continue to operate, we must departure clearance current size frequency control. When excessive speed up current accelerated rate due to slow. Slowdown, as well. Taken together to stall functions.

15, respectively, to accelerate time to time with the slowdown of the aircraft, and processing time slowdown common given aircraft, the meaning? Slowdown were to be added to the aircraft for a short time to accelerate and slow slowdown occasions, or for small machine tools needed to set strict time production rhythms occasion is appropriate, but for air-compressors transmission, and so on, the slowdown has had a longer time to accelerate and slow down time to time can be common.

16, what is renewable braking? Electric motors in order to reduce the frequency of operation, if, asynchronous electric motors into generators of operation as brakes work, which is called regeneration (Electric) braking.

17, the availability of greater power system? Electrical energy from renewable piling up in the filter capacitor transducer, the condenser capacity and impatient relationship to the transducer about renewable power system rated torque of 10%~20%. If a choice of brake modules can reach 50%~100%.

18, please indicate the transducer protection function? Protection functions can be divided into the following two categories : (1) After the state prosecution is automatically amended unusual movements, such as the current stall prevention, renewable overpotential stall prevention. (2) after the embargo was found that the power semiconductor devices PWM控制 signal to the electrical automatically. As a current cut, cut renewable overpotential, and instantaneous power semiconductor cooling fans overheating protection. 19, by using a load why, transducer protection functions movements? Using weak link load, in the instant connectivity, electrical transferred from the empty state to guide large regional drastic changes, a large electric current to flow transducer Guo current Tiaozha not functioning.

20, in the same factory in moving large Electrical and functioning transducer on the end, which is why? Electrical will start flowing and capacity relative to the start-up current, the electrical stator side of the transformers have a voltage drop, the electrical capacity at the big impact is large Yajiang connecting transformer in the same transducer will make Qianya or correct judgement stopped, and thus sometimes protection functions (IPE) movements, causing cessation of operation.

21, what frequency conversion resolution? What is the significance? For digital control of the transducer, even instructions for the frequency analog signal, and the output frequency is a class given. The reason for the smallest unit known as the frequency conversion resolution. Frequency conversion resolution usually Quzhi for 0.015~0.5Hz. For example, the resolution of 0.5Hz, then the above 23Hz may become 23.5, 24.0 Hz, and therefore there is a level of electrical movements follow. For such uses as a control on Juanqu cause problems. Under these circumstances, if a resolution of 0.015Hz for about one in four low-level electrical 1r/min for the following can be fully adapted. In addition, some types of aircraft to the resolution and output resolution will not be the same.

22, installation, the installation directions are restricted transducer. Transducer internal and back into the structure of the cooling effect, on the relationship of ventilation is important, therefore, in order for the type of unit, is hanging on the wall to the vertical spaces, the installation of vertical as possible.

23, not a soft start to the electrical directly into a fixed frequency transducer, the possibility? At low frequencies, can, but if given the frequency with the frequency of high-power direct start-up conditions similar. Will be too great start currents (6~7 times rated current), as a current transducer cut, the electrical is not up. 24, electrical attention over what should be 60Hz operation? More than attention to the following matters should be 60Hz operation (1) machinery and equipment in the speed of operation to be fully possible (mechanical strength, noise, vibration, etc.). (2) electrical power export to hang scope, the output torque to be able to maintain (air-compressors, pumps, etc. axle output proportional to the increase in speed meters, a rise, but also pay attention to the rotational speed). (3) have the life expectancy of bearings, to be fully considered. (4) For more electrical capacity, especially two very electrical, 60Hz operation to be more careful with the manufacturers to discuss.

25, transducer can turn electrical transmission? According to the slowdown in the structure and provide lubrication differently, a number of issues that require attention. In turn, the structure is usually the biggest limit to be considered 70~80Hz using oil lubricant, under continuous operation at low speed to gear damage.

26, transducer can be used to drive single-phase electrical? The use of power alone can? Basically, not machines. The governor of the electrical switching start-style single in the scope of work is the governor will be burned Auxiliary winding; Capacitance or capacitance to start operation mode will trigger capacitor explosions. Transducer 3 of the power normally, but the capacity for small, single-phase power is also useful functioning aircraft.


27, the transducer itself consumption power? Transducer with the aircraft, operation or use of the frequency, but very difficult to answer. But in the transducer efficiency approximately 60Hz 94%~96%, which may projected depletion, but containing renewable braking Type (FR-K) transducer, if the loss is taken into account braking, power consumption will become large, the operation of plate design must pay attention.

28, why can not 6~60Hz region-wide continuous operation? General electrical equipment used in the axial rotors, fan - or part of the leaves for cooling, if the lower speed cooling down effect, and thus can not afford high-speed operation with the same heat, the need to reduce the load of low-speed torque, or a large capacity and electrical transducer combinations, or use dedicated electrical.

29, the electrical brakes should be used to bring attention to? Brakes exciter circuit power should be drawn from transducer input side. If the transducer is exporting power, brakes moves will result in a current cut off. Therefore, we must stop exporting after the brakes in transducer moves.

30, want to use transducer transmission with power factor improvement in the electrical capacitor, the electrical is not moving, clear reasons Transducer into the current improvement in the power factor capacitor, because of their charging currents caused by current transducer (Oct), so we can not start as a response to the request capacitor removed after operation, and even improve the power factor in the transducer input AC power to resist lateral access devices to be effective.

31, transducer of a lifetime? Transducer is for static devices, but also as filter capacitor, cooling fans, consumption device, if they carry out regular maintenance, is expected to have more than 10 years of life.


32, a transducer containing cooling fans, wind direction? If the fans will be bad? For small capacity is the availability of cooling fans in the aircraft. There are fans of aircraft, the wind direction from the upward, the installation transducer place, and placed an image not smoking, exhaust mechanical equipment. Also, the transducer placed directly to heat parts. Fan malfunction, or by electric fans cooling fans to stop testing the 33% detection protection, filter capacitor for consumables, how to judge its life? Capacitor used as a filter capacitor, the electrostatic capacity over time and slowly decreased, regularly measuring electrostatic capacity to meet product of the rated capacity of 85% for the benchmark to judge life.

34, installation, the installation directions are restricted transducer. Collections in order to be fundamental, is a closed structure of the whole big plate outside dimensions, occupying a large space, the cost higher. The measures are : (1) offers practical devices designed to address the needs of heat release; (2) using aluminium heat release films, film cooling agent wing increase cooling area; (3) using hot catheter. In addition, the body can develop a transducer back patterns.

35, to enhance the existing conveyor speed to 80Hz operation, the capacity of the transducer how to choose? Located above the base rate for 50Hz,50Hz to hang power output characteristics. Hang torque characteristics such as travel load growth, the need for increased capacity for 80/50 ≈ 1.6 times. Electrical capacity is also increased, as transducer
