
频道:电子元器件 日期: 浏览:267




SEL是Single event latchup的缩写,中文译为单粒子拴锁。

Single event latchup (SEL) is a condition that causes lossof device functionality due to a single-event induced currentstate. Kolasinski et al. first observed SEL in 1979 duringground testing. SELs are hard errors, and are potentiallydestructive (i.e., may cause permanent damage). The SEL resultsin a high operating current, above device specifications. The latchedcondition can destroy the device, drag down the bus voltage,or damage the power supply. Originally, the concern was latchupcaused by heavy ions, however, latchup can be caused by protonsin very sensitive devices. An SEL is cleared by a poweroff-on reset or power strobing of the device. If power is notremoved quickly, catastrophic failure may occur due to excessiveheating, or metallization or bond wire failure. SEL is strongly temperature dependent: the threshold for latchup decreases at high temperature, and the cross section increases as well.

