
频道:电子元器件 日期: 浏览:337



TI 公司的ADS8558是6路12位SAR ADC,具有真正的双极输入.每路包含了取样保持电路,允许进行高速多路信号采集. ADS8558支持并行接口模式的数据速率高达730KSPS,总线宽度8到16位,串行接口模式的速率高达500KSPS.工作电压高达±12V ,具有极好的信噪比: ADS8558为73.9dB.

主要用于电源品质测量,保护继电器,多轴马达控制和可编逻辑控制器.本文介绍了ADS8556/7/8主要特性, 方框图以及并行接口模式的ADS8558最低配置框图.

The ADS8558 contain six low-power, 12-bit,successive approximation register (SAR) based analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with true bipolar inputs. Each channel contains a sample-and-hold circuit that allows simultaneous high-speed multi-channel signal acquisition.

The ADS8558 support data rates of up to 730kSPS in parallel interface mode or up to 500kSPS if the serial interface is used. The bus width of the parallel interface can be set to eight or 16 bits. In serial mode, up to three output channels can be activated.

The ADS8558 is specified over the full industrial temperature range of -40℃ to +125℃ and is available in an LQFP-64 package.


Family of 12-Bit, Pin- and Software-Compatible ADCs

Six SAR ADCs Grouped in Three Pairs

Maximum Data Rate Per Channel with Internal Conversion Clock and Reference:

ADS8558: 730kSPS (PAR) or 500kSPS (SER)

Maximum Data Rate with External Conversion Clock and Reference:

800kSPS (PAR) or 530kSPS (SER)

Pin-Selectable or Programmable Input Voltage Ranges: Up to ±12V

Excellent Signal-to-Noise Performance:


73.9dB (ADS8558)

Programmable and Buffered Internal Reference: 0.5V to 2.5V and 0.5V to 3.0V

Comprehensive Power-Down Modes:

Deep Power-Down (Standby Mode)

Partial Power-Down


Auto-Nap Power-Down

Selectable Parallel or Serial Interface

Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +125°C

LQFP-64 Package


Power Quality Measurement

Protection Relays

Multi-Axis Motor Control

Programmable Logic Controllers

Industrial Data Acquisition
